I wish to Thank Rootsweb.com Freepages for the webpages they have that led to much of my sucess in finding my Roots.
Individuals I'd like to Thank include:
Vernon Wilson: AllTheTubThumpers.com; A wonderful Cousin who has a very extensive Database on the Weaver's; My Paternal Grandmother's Family Line. 5000+ names
Sandra Duncan: VanScoy Family mailing list, Rootsweb.com; another Cousin, who works to keep the info flowing and helps everyone connect with the information they are seeking.
Carla Farrell: "Descendants of Cornelis Aertsen VanSchaick" Family website- My Family.com & Rootsweb.com- "Descendants of Cornelis Aertsen VanSchaick" Family Tree (My first big hit in my search for my Ancestors).
Sean Bagby: Bagby-VanSkike Family website; Carla Farrell refers to him as her VanScoy Expert; He has the Most extensive VanSchaick related site that I know of existing; the GED file contains 30,000+ names
Phil Breedlove: History of the Breedlove's; Family Tree, History, & Origins of the Breedlove Name Website on Rootsweb.com.
Other Thanks to Larry Smith; A Breedlove Cousin who helped fill in some Gaps in the Family lines.
Ron Smith: Related by Proxy of his relative Edsel Fritts marrying my Aunt Norma Jean, and supplying a large family worth of Data apx 30,000 names.
In the Future I will provide links to all these sites as I develop this site.